World Complexity Science Academy

10rd Conference

TURBULENT CONVERGENCE: Digitalization and supernational lawmaking of the European Union for economic development and social equality in the global player scenario

Rome, Italy – November 13th-16th, 2018

The current scenarios are composed of a decreasing number of bigger and bigger Global Players such as the EU, the USA, China, Russia, Brazil and very few others. These global players are already interconnected on a global scale by key phenomena like technological convergence and international treaties: CETA, NAFTA, and MERCOSUR for example. So to speak the link among Canada (NAFTA) with EU (CETA), Mexico (NAFTA member and MERCOSUR observing member) with Brazil (Mercosur full member) already shape a legislative alignment in which free trade, technological standardization and shared human right and social equality policies tend to match more convergence both in digital and legal terms, and more at the viability level. The key evolutionary challenge and paramount goal of the conference was to be the host and hub of innovative policy modelling, policymaking, institutional strategic redesign and lawmaking for reshaping socio-economic development by shaping a triple helix of legislative design – free trade alignment – technological standardization.

Key Links

Key Note Speeches

  • Presidential Address

Andrea Pitasi, WCSA President

  • Communication Shock! Canvassing the Coming Computer Revolution

Ty Adams, University of Bahamas

  • How ordinary are “ordinary” perpetrators?

Abram De Swaan, University of Amsterdam

  • The roots of hope. Forced migrations in Italy, between rejection and reception

Alberto Tarozzi, University of Molise, Italy

  • Processing of personal and business data and the rule of law in the era of digital trade

Irma Mosquera Valderrama, University of Leiden, The Netherlands

  • The making of the European identity

György Csepeli, Iask, Hankiss Centre, Koszeg, Hungary

  • From Global Ethics to Global Puzzle

Paolo De Nardis, University La Sapienza, Italy

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