World Complexity Science Academy



(from the perspective of The European Commission as an observing and acting function)


1. HYPERVOTE for the EU Political Elections (EUPE). HOW?

1.1 to turn the EUPE into a totally digital election e-voting and i-voting procedure.

1.2 to create just a whole EUPE electoral virtual college where every EU voter can vote for any EU candidate without national state ties.

1.3 creating EU party electoral lists: on every virtual ballot the name of the European parties will appear and not the name of the national state parties (for example in Italy people will see the EPP brand, not the Forza Italia one).

1.4 the use of EU party brands which are often unfamiliar to voters obliged to think in terms of national local party also in the EUPE, will educate voters at the EUPE to think on an EU scale and in terms of cognitive- conceptual mapping of the different political visions. This conceptual- cognitive effort would reduce the risk of perceptive- emotional- cognitive saving votes and promote a more cognitive- conceptual – informed and aware deliberative democratic participation.


2. HYPERCITIES. Improve them in the EU: HOW?

2.1 to invest in airport networks and high speed railway stations more and more to let for example be Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris more and more different neighbourhoods of the same huge Metropolitan Hypercity.

2.2 to facilitate EU citizens to feel at home in any place of the EU developing their identity and “heart” as cosmopolitans belonging to different places of the EU, circulation, not migration. A migrant often moves not to come back and maybe to let his/her family reach him/her in the new place. Circulation means a cosmopolitan citizen belongs to many places of the EU, at the same time (and not only, see next point 4.



The 1999 Process of Bologna, the CE Directive 2005/36, the UE Directive 2013/55 and the ERASMUS Program are clearly good starts but to guarantee the freedom of circulation of the EU citizens into the EU as a whole, a standardization of professional and curricula studiorum is required so that a dentist, an engineer, a lawyer etc. and even more a researcher and a university professor could be educated trained the same way (as for procedure, not for content of course) all over the EU. An EU Agency for University, Research & Innovation would be required setting a priori the academic policy guidelines all over the EU and a posteriori serving as ranking and rating agency to assess universities publications, scholars etc.



4.1 inside the EU

4.1.1 to continue the national state based EU passport release and

4.1.2 to consider also further ways to release the EU passport beyond the national states. The Green Pass vaccine released by the EU organs can be the first step towards EU citizenship for example on talent creativity, investment etc. directly released by the EU organs.

4.2 outside and across the EU. Member states are still important, and the EU should reward the member states which provide complex, evolutionary systemic solutions to generate win/win networks inside and outside the EU: structural couplings as they are called in the complex evolutionary system theory. Strategic practical examples:

4.2.1 to adopt the Dutch company law as a standard for the EU to let the whole EU be as attractive for resources as currently the Netherlands.

4.2.2 likewise with Cyprus laws about IPR, intangible value and maybe the Cyprus company formation with its low taxation on intangibles and the chance to found public company with a capital which is 25000 euro only and allowing to release stocks with a starting value of 0,01 euro is a tool the whole EU might adopt to expand tangible and intangible capitals.

4.2.3 to benchmark Malta for its dual citizenship policy instead of blaming/punishing it. becoming EU citizenships on talent, creativity investments, etc. would make the EU stronger and with more resources also to support migrations and humanitarian help to the migrants escaping from tragedy and disaster. The capitals of Arab – EU, Russian – EU, USA- EU Brazilian- EU citizens can contribute to finance the Welfare both for the most fragiles EU citizens and for the most fragile immigrants from Africa, Latin America etc.

4.2.4 since the Roman Empire fellows who travelled everywhere as far as their own times permitted, the Nachlass/Heritage of Colonial Empires still exist, for better and for worse. Starting from the spoken languages. Sometimes History is tricky, and empires become colonies and vice versa (USA/UK). Facilitate and simplify dual citizenship between Argentina and Spain or Brazil and Portugal based on the language and cv for example with no need of blood or soil ties. This way we might have an EU citizenship expansion through intellectual capital – talent creativity dual citizenship.

4.2.5 strongly value any networking between OECD and the EU, UN and the EU etc. improving transnational and supranational development being careful that promising programs like BEPS not become mere collaboration/competitions among national states because this kind of program becomes meaningless and self-defeating if leverage and scaled at the national state level. It is like buying a Ferrari just to drive it around the two blocks of our apartment.

4.2.6 to release to non-EU citizens residents in non-EU Hypercities a special denizenship status to later on be possibly converted into effective and full EU citizenship.



5.1 the University agency at point 3.

5.2 the EU agency for financial ranking and rating

5.3 the EU Stock Exchange Network interconnecting more and more the current EU Stock Exchanges

5.4 the EU Digital Citizenship agency to guarantee safe freedom and access to the www. No stupid things like a EU intranet blocking out the rest o the world

5.5 to evolve the current EMA into an authentic European Health Agency continuing the current functions of EMA plus health governance, health policy modeling on an EU scale in dialogue with WHO etc.

5.6 national central banks are useless inside the EU, the Banca d’Italia for example. Its current, few and no strategic, functions can be easily incorporated into the ECB and all the current offices of the national central banks could be turned into ECB offices also training new HR for the ECB so that it becomes a true network all over the EU which is particularly urgent after the Directive EU 2014/59.



1. 1989-onwards: high speed globalization (Institutional and Market Global Players from the EU to the digital multinationals, from OECD to WTO etc.).

2. 1945-1989: the Cold War (two global players shaped as NATO AND SOVIET BLOCKS and China as a third block doing its own business).

3. 1933-1945: Nazi Germany trying to become the Third Reich, global alliance against it.

4. 1600-1930: raise, expansion, decline and fall of the Colonial Empires.

5. 1492-1590: about Cristoforo Colombo, an Italian under a Spanish flag, opens-up the way both to colonialism and globalization which will follow two different trends the former the imploding, the latter expanding.

6. 1490-backwards in Europe: Laender, Signorie, Independent Town Commons, Duchies, Princedoms, local kingdoms trying to expand (ask he Scottish under Edward the Plantagenet) etc., in current Oceania, America, Africa, Middle East basically tribe shaped communities split into clans and families (which as also the Northern European scenario under the Roman Empire)


In practice, the sovereign national states were, are and still will be important local administrative units but the world order expansion, development and growth never depended on “sovereign national states” as strategic players. And now when globalized evolutionary interconnections are systemically complex and high speed states can be at their best local administrative units functioning as stabilizers which means they would apply laws and decisions not generated by themselves (bur rather by a Higher Authority like in the 1950 Schuman Declaration, for instance) otherwise states would lead to fragmented and implosive contingency, not to stabilization.

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