The current scenarios are composed of a decreasing number of bigger and bigger Global Players such as the EU, the USA, China, Russia, Brazil and very few others. These global players are already interconnected on a global scale by key phenomena like technological convergence and international treaties: CETA, NAFTA, and MERCOSUR for example. So to speak the link among Canada (NAFTA) with EU (CETA), Mexico (NAFTA member and MERCOSUR observing member) with Brazil (Mercosur full member) already shape a legislative alignment in which free trade, technological standardization and shared human right and social equality policies tend to match more convergence both in digital and legal terms, and more at the viability level. The key evolutionary challenge and paramount goal of the conference was to be the host and hub of innovative policy modelling, policymaking, institutional strategic redesign and lawmaking for reshaping socio-economic development by shaping a triple helix of legislative design – free trade alignment – technological standardization.
GOVERNING TURBULENCE: Risk and Opportunities in the Complexity Age
In the last decades, globalization has increased greatly for all social actors in terms of opportunities of knowledge, education, communication and financial profits. At the same time, the level of uncertainty has rapidly increased, mainly due to the enormous amount of cheap information that is available at any moment. This affects all spheres of social life: economic, social and political; as well as every level of decision making, from single individuals to local policy implementation, strategic managements of big organizations both public and private, national or even supranational. Due to the fact that complexity is common to diverse milieus, the best strategy to deal with uncertainty is to share knowledge from different domains beyond the disciplinarian and scientific borders.
To be a conscientious agent in contemporary scenarios involves the awareness of the complex systemic context and the non-linear interactions in which ourattempts to build a better world integrate. To be aware of this complexity should prevent the naivety of not considering risks and contingency and is a first step tothe development of successful strategic actions. This conference challenged worldwide scholars, professionals, policy makers and businessmen sharing a systemic vision to, directly or indirectly, answer this question: How a systemic vision can be a strategic and applied resource to develop more and more powerful links among Government Policymaking, Academic Research and Investment /Business Strategies?
In an age of contingency, the future seems to be a horizon which moves further and further as one tries to get closer. Risk, contingency, catastrophe and unpredictability turn the “future” into an unusual world in everyday semantics and, for example, in political communication. Inventing the future is becoming more and more strategic in a time where finance is the metaphor for value and wealth construction. The convergence of Robotics, Informatics, Nanotechnologies and Genetics, or the so-called RING Singularity, is simultaneously turning the human being itself into contingency and infinite possibilities (Heidegger’s Gegnet), clarifying, once again, that the future cannot be predicted but can be invented.
The conference focused on both the most recent achievements of the theoretical debate on Complexity Theory and Systemics, and the uses of these theories in specific, practical domains.
Devoted not only to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and environment issues, it opened up to researches on every other domain, especially with disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives (sociology, management, engineering, biology, economics, mathematics, statistics, etc.)
The main goal of the conference was to build on the epistemological, theoretical, methodological, technical and practical contributions that the systemic approach had made to disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. By laying down different strands, trends, methods, and case studies of the systemic vision, it aimed at enabling the emergence of a net of venues in a world where the systemic thinking is stronger and/or grows.
Complexity Systemic Sciences and the Global Energy Agenda
Aiming at shaping a scientific and policy agenda to face the energy challenges of our times on a global scale, the conference focused on the epistemological theoretical, methodological, technical and practical contributions of the systemic approach throughout each disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective rooted in the systemic approach (sociology, management, engineering, biology, economics, mathematics, etc.). The schedule also included studies and research on any field of complexity science.
Complexity Systemic Sciences and the Key Global Challenges of Our Times
The conference focused on the epistemological theoretical, methodological, technical and practical contributions of the systemic approach throughout each disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective, rooted in the systemic approach (sociology, biology, economics, mathematics etc.) to face the key global challenges/bifurcations of our times for example ecology, energy, business development, wealth distribution, multiculturalismo, etc.
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